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Dr. Govind Bhorkade

Family Physician & Surgeon, Pediatrician & Gynecologist


  • B.H.M.S., CCMP (Certificate Course of Modern Pharmacology) - From MUHS, Nashik

  • C.C.H. (Certificate in Community Health), C.G.O (Certificate in Gynecology & Obstetrics) - From Mumbai
  • doctor

    Dr. Govind Bhorkade obtained his medical degree at Maharashtra University of Health Sciences. He also completed Certificate Course of Modern Pharmacology (CCMP) from there. He completed Certificate in Community Health (C.C.H.), Certificate in Gynecology & Obstetrics (C.G.O) from Mumbai.

    Dr. Bhorkade is an established and highly skilled physician with many years of experience in pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology. He is well regarded for his quality and patient centered care.

    " Don't fear any illness… everything has its cure "